Friday, May 17, 2013

Some ideas have already taken shape. 3D Printing + Creative Professors + Escher = Awesome!

Being surrounded by some of the worlds coolest technology can drive a creative person mad!  Here at Dinsmore & Associates, Inc. 3D printing makes up the majority of the services requested.  Each day we are privileged to meet, and work alongside some amazing design engineers.  These designers look to cut costs by shortening the design life cycle of a product. Many have turned to additive manufacturing as the answer. Additive manufacturing (to include 3D printing) is not new technology.  It just so happens to be getting a little more media coverage these days.  

Videos like the 3D printed gun:

 3D Printing in space?

These videos’ highlighting the so called “new technology” has captured the public’s eye, and the ear of many political figures. President Obama and 3D printing.   The “maker movement” has increased dramatically as home brew mad scientist feverishly work on perfecting home-based and affordable 3D printers.  Crowd funding websites like Kickstarter have helped propel many ideas into reality.



All around the office we have pictures from famous artist M.C. Escher. Each day wondering what it would take to recreate these amazing works of art and print them on one of our many 3D printers. How could we capture and honor the world famous graphic artist known for his use of perspective, and impossible space?  In his lifetime Escher produced more than 2000 drawings that captured life in 3D. 

Search and you shall receive:  



So it appears that somebody has already run with the idea, but that does not stop the fascination with trying to recreate some of Escher's most complicated work.  Now  to reach out to the M.C, Escher Foundation to gain their approval!